
they/them - 18

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do not follow


  • birthday: 05/04/2001

  • mbti: INFJ ... introversion (i), intuition (n), feeling (f), and judgment (j)

  • zodiac: taurus sun, libra moon, virgo rising

  • gender identity: non-binary

  • sexuality: bisexual

  • background: mexican-american

  • languages: spanish, english

  • nicknames: ari, ri, risa, riri, kiwi, ki, etc

  • chaotic good: "the philosophy that goodness is best achieved through the freedom of individuals to act independently. a chaotic good character acts as their conscience directs them with little regard for what others expect of them. they make their own way, while being kind and benevolent. they believe in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. they follow their own moral compass. can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves."

  • comfort characters: choi saeyoung from mystic messenger. crona from soul eater. toriel from undertale.


  • games: danganronpa, undertale, corpse party, mad father, doki doki literature club, grimm's hallow, stardew valley, bang dream! (bandori), your turn to die, love live school idol festival, cyber hunter, mystic messenger, animal crossing, misao, etc

  • anime: soul eater, corpse party, hyouka, charlotte, noragami, future diary, ouran high school host club, durarara!!, yagate kimi ni naru, lucky star, kaicho wa meido-sama!, my little monster, toradora, orange, erased, another, shiki, plastic memories, pokemon, chobits, puella magi madoka magica, school days, your lie in april, monthly girls' nozaki-kun, nisekoi, golden time, charlotte, a.i.c.o incarnation, etc

  • top played artists: my chemical romance, insane clown posse, pierce the veil, the frights, the cure, mother mother, GRLwood, nicole dollanganger, jack off jill, DAOKO, jack stauber, sogyumo acacia band, lucie too, joyce manor, FIDLAR, modern baseball, cyberbully mom club, sir chole, BABYMETAL, grimes, flatsound, mindless self indulgence, elita, ayesha erotica, black dresses, moe shop, paramore, girl in red, pink floyd, toby fox, joy division, SEKI NO OWARI, mars argo, jazmin bean, teen suicide, beabadoobee, LOONA, red velvet, BTS, oh my girl, april, IU, twice, etc

  • other: alternative fashion, occasional artwork, literature, editing software, cosplay, etc



  • ash @ROCKBFS

  • jos @1rsts

  • zero @b1oodstain

  • eli @walmartrun

  • nico @occuitik

  • link @sftbts

  • noah @sacrifcial/splicerparty

  • raymond @draculasbastard

  • charlie @poiecatz

  • cat @izusuki

  • lay @anzuchus

  • logan @slugself

  • tilly @heauxrizons

  • liz @mipandulcegf

  • jay @fizzybear

  • nour @eyetranspIant

  • gia @vladtheimpaIer

  • angel @angelhatesjack

  • cloud @zerooescapes

  • nico @junkarz

  • damien @ihopeUchoke

  • mika @joyuz

  • ryan @chiefkeefmidi

  • jonah @trickster_q

  • ashie @iaraminaj

featured mutuals

  • han @lypetals

  • alix @gaIodelion

  • yuna @nyabladez

  • tuesday @hopefuIstars

  • julio @sewerlove

  • finny @lawlpinata

  • shean @DEM0NGUTS

  • joli @joliloj

  • nico @nbsasau

  • kae @chirishikairi

  • yvin @IucieIa

  • jett @organeIIe

  • zy @Th1nkin

  • rome @SlTHFlNN

  • jade @kannazol

  • aja @imisscopkiller

  • wren @nijimaid

  • nines @ninesuwu

  • maxwell @glooomybearz

  • iz @liluzuking

  • celeste @kudokushii

  • li @tifaenix

  • cam @damonalbarn420

  • caden @fotia

  • elliot @6iwoo

if you change your preferred name and/or your user and it is incorrect in the lists above, just let me know!



(otherkin: glitchkin)
core identity: yuno gasai, mikan tsumiki, frisk.
synpath kins: v flower, taiga, natsuki, emily, konata, kanna.
i do not mind doubles.


  • you have extremely controversial opinions towards the LGBT+ community, racial minority groups, religious practices, etc

  • you're under the age of fourteen

  • criticize east asian music, generally belittle those that engage in non-american media

  • feel uncomfortable seeing tweets in languages other than english

  • purposely attempt to come across as a distasteful person for the approval of others

  • degrade sex workers and/or individuals who consistently engage with their personal sex life (slut shaming)

  • police individuals on their personal pronouns

  • belittle he/him and they/them lesbians

  • believe that "bisexual/pansexual lesbians" exist

  • you are sensitive towards those that get into public arguments with others (i often debate on the timeline about various subjects)

  • you're "hate-following"/keeping up with my content for malicious purposes

  • get easily annoyed by tweeting several times in a short time span